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Gelato's Final Report Card
(in order of appearance)

Pistachio: B
Watermelon: B-
Strawberry: A
Chocolate: A+, honor roll, magna cum laude
Sicilliana: A
Egg nog: D, plays poorly with others
Vanilla cherry: C-
Coconut: B
Profumi di sorrento: A, citrusy disposition, stays within the lines
Vanilla: B, completes homework assignments
Peach: A+, honor roll, summa cum laude
Cannoli: A-
Walnut: B
Fig: A
Zuppa de Ingles: A- but with some extra credit homework, a potential A
Lemon: A+, valedictorian
Tiramisu: C-
Mint: C+, but can make up grade during summer school
Amaretto: B (given by TP although almond-flavored anything (except actual almonds) makes me want to vomit through my nose and so I would have given it an F-)
Chestnut: B
Tutti Frutti: F, must repeat second grade

baj @ 7:54 PM


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